Santerra Soil remediation

Project SANT 0905

These much neglected buildings and grounds were purchased from a bankruptcy estate.
Total surface area is 2.5 ha (25,000 m²).

The grounds are located less than 500 m from the market square, in the middle of the city.
Santerra paid for the studies at the request of the curator, and handled the remediation. To this end, it provided guarantees to the government.
The mercury (Hg) and heating oil contamination found was largely excavated. To this end, the buildings first needed to be entirely demolished.

The total redevelopment will take place in consultation with the city. Since these grounds are located in the centre of the city, a liveable housing environment will be created.
The presence of the adjacent river is certainly a major plus in this regard.

Soil remediation - Brownfield development - Achilles Certificate
Santerra Magyarország Rekultivációs Kft. - H - 1023 Budapest, Bécsi út 3-5